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Spring Landscape Painting

ID : 28428   
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Get ready for a vibrant and relaxing afternoon where creativity blooms! In this Spring Landscape Paint class, you’ll create a beautiful scene that captures the essence of Spring — floral fields and sunny skies. Whether you're an experienced painter or a first timer, you’ll be guided step by step as we bring this stunning landscape to life on canvas. 

You will be guided by Kaylee, an artist living in Iowa City. Kaylee is deeply inspired by the changing seasons, local nature, and the sense of community that surrounds her. Through her own artistic journey, she's developed a love for blending color and emotion to express the beauty of the world around us. Join us to share this creative experience with you, combining the joy of painting with the relaxing vibe of a social afternoon. 

Please note a materials fee of $20 is due to the instructor at the start of the class.

Class Details

1 Session(s)
Weekly - Thu

DeWitt Career Advancement Center

Kaylee Montgomery 



Please read:  Please note a materials fee of $20 is due to the instructor at the start of the class.



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
3/20/2025 - 3/20/2025 Weekly - Thu 02:00 PM - 05:00 PM DeWitt, DeWitt Career Advancement Center  Map, Room: Classroom Kaylee Montgomery