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Medication Manager 20 hr

ID : 27256   
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This class is designed to prepare the participant to safely administer or supervise self-administration of noninjectable medications.  It is for those who are employed in a fifteen-bed or less MR facility, child caring facility or supervised apartment or community based living.
Emphasis is placed on safely administering medications or supervising self-administration from a prescription bottle and observing for
obvious reactions to medications.
1. List the legislative requirements associated with medication administration.
2. Describe the role of the medication manager and identify required methods of drug storage/disposal.
3. Define terms associated with drug administration.
4. Differentiate between different drug preparations including precautions for administration.
5. List six rights of medication administration and identify information medication managers must know prior to administering medications.
6. Demonstrate correct procedures for safe administration of nonparenteral medications.
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Class Details

3 Session(s)
Days of the Week :Multiple Days of the Week :
  Weekly - Tue, Thu.  
  Weekly - Tue.  

Location : SCC Urban Campus Location : 
  SCC Urban Campus.

Instructor : Barb 



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
7/15/2025 - 7/17/2025 Weekly - Tue, Thu 08:30 AM - 04:00 PM Davenport, SCC Urban Campus  Map, Room: Classroom W329 Barb 
7/22/2025 - 7/22/2025 Weekly - Tue 08:30 AM - 03:00 PM Davenport, SCC Urban Campus  Map, Room: Classroom W329 Barb 

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